Insurance Information

Our private practice operates outside of the in-network system and provides specialized care that may be difficult to find elsewhere. Here are some of the benefits of choosing our practice:

- Short Wait Time: With 19 therapists, we can offer a short wait time. We take special care to match your child with a therapist who has experience in the specific area they need assistance with. Typically, we can start services within a few weeks of your initial call.

- Consistent Therapy: Our practice is constantly expanding, but we have very low staff turnover. As a result, your child can work with the same therapist for an extended period without having to start over with someone new every few months.

- Commitment to Communication: We take a proactive approach to communicate with others who are involved in your child's care, including their teachers and school therapists. By having all caretakers and therapy providers committed to the same goals and strategies, we can achieve more progress and better carryover of skills.

We understand that insurance reimbursement is an important consideration. Therefore, we have compiled some frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help you make an informed decision. Our private practice is dedicated to providing the highest level of specialized care to your child.

  • As an out-of-network provider, you will be reimbursed at the rate set by your out-of-network policy, if approved. Our billing department can help you find out what your benefits are even before you start therapy. Once you start receiving therapy, you can choose to submit claims yourself or our billing department can do it for you.

  • Many of our clients have insurance coverage, but the type and extent of coverage varies depending on their policy. Depending on the allowable amount, some clients can receive up to 20 therapy sessions per year, while others can receive up to 70% or 100% coverage per session. However, there are some clients who may not have any coverage at all. In some cases, clients may need to meet a deductible before their coverage begins, while others may need to obtain precertification before starting therapy. Our billing department will be able to provide you with all the necessary information regarding your insurance coverage once they have contacted your insurance provider.

  • No copay is accepted. Payment for the session is required in full at the time of service. Any reimbursement will be directly sent to your home by your insurance company.

  • In order for us to begin providing our services, we require an evaluation. However, if you already have one from a school, hospital, or another outpatient facility, we will gladly accept it to avoid any additional costs. For children under the age of 3, the evaluation can be up to 6-8 months old. For children older than 3, the evaluation can be up to 12 months old. The most important thing is that the report accurately reflects your child's current skill level.

    If you don't have a recent evaluation report, we would be happy to schedule one for you. Please note that insurance companies that require precertification do not accept school evaluations.

  • We provide personalized recommendations for your child's treatment frequency, taking into account their evaluation results and your own availability, as we are an outpatient facility.

Billing Department.

Need billing assistance?

If you require any assistance with billing matters, our billing department is readily available to offer support. Please do not hesitate to contact us for clarification or any other concerns on billing. We are committed to providing you with comprehensive and prompt solutions.

  • Christa Smith:


    Phone number: (856)616-2361 ex 106

  • Debbie Blum: Billing Manager


    Phone number: (856)616-2361 ex 1